Break the convention...adopt online media

Are authors rubber stamps in the hands of the publishers? This is a question that perturbed new budding authors. Since times immemorial, or since times the publishing world is in the being, authors have played into the hands of their publisher masters by following deadlines, by changing their storylines for commercial benefit. Does this scenario exist even today?

You might agree or disagree. It depends on the authors if they want to play puppets in the hands of a publisher, for the times have travelled to a whole new world where new media do not stop new authors from taking their books to a mass audience without a publisher. Well, they can choose to adopt online media, create ebooks, circulate through social networks and do a whole lot more. Obviously it has a cost too but far too less if compared to a traditional publisher.

I know a number of authors who have sold a number of books online through platforms such as and Barnes & Nobles, etc. The idea is you are living the right times where you are not bound to adopt the conventional route. Let the audience know a real writer in you.

I'm sure if you can write a good, creative stuff you have the ability to successfully embark onto the new media. Believe you can break the convention.
