Don't buy 'Come on Inner Peace! : I Don't Have All Day!'

I hate pulp. And I mean it. Sachin Garg's new novel 'Come on Inner Peace! : I Don't Have All Day!' has given me another reason to hate it. The book is decently readable for the first few chapters but then the plot goes beyond reader's mind and insults the intelligence of the reader.

What irritates readers further is the very graphic, two pager description of an intimate encounter between two women. It shocks me as a reader and makes me puke upfront. For a moment you're forced to think whether it is a pornographic fiction you're reading.

The novel's synopsis on the back cover that claims to be a light read also falls flat. This is a headache to read and does not deserve a penny. It would not be wrong if I say that porn fiction sold on the railway stations is much better a read. One and only advice is never buy this book.

I would like to advise the author not to indulge in pathetic fiction any more. He should rather pay attention to his style and try to reevolve it through readings of great masterpieces.
