The Teen, a novel by a 17 year old from Jharkhand

'The Teen' by Gyandeep Kaushal, a new novel published by LeadStart, is launching today. It is a love story by just a 17 year old student of class 12 from Jharkhand. The synopsis available on different online bookstores claims to re-establish the power which love has. It claims, “Love can make you do anything, absolutely anything. It can make you run out of your house in the middle of the night to save the girl you love.”

It's a long novel with over 500 pages. If you are thinking that it would be a teen love story, don't make any assumptions. It might, however, be a very good story written. The subject he chose to write on might look in the beginning an overcooked by an array of authors in India. You can buy the book on different online bookstores and also see in the bookstores near you. I'm just surprised that a boy of just 17 has written a novel of more than 500 pages.

Certainly we can expect a trail of good fiction from him in the future. However, it would be seen how the maiden book fares with the readers.
