Wanna send a poem to Mars? Here is opp

Mars frenzy has taken on ever since the efforts to go to Mars are gaining momentum. Now there is a drive going on to take human messages to the Mars. A web link has also been created to collect human messages from across the world which will be carried to the Mars. Named 'Message to Mars Contest' has been started. For authors and poets, this is an opportunity to send poetic messages. The organizer--Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission--has appealed to the masses to send their messages mostly poetic.

This is an opportunity to send your messages beyond this earth. To my understanding, the organizer has understood the power of poetry. If life exists, in any form, on the Mars, it might not be possible to befriend Martians easily but through a word of peace, love and emotion. However, who will coin a word for Martians that has all of this--love, peace and emotion? The force applied to them might probably turn them into our enemies. Poetry has universal appeal and vibes to cast spell on anything including stones. Space missions would be inconclusive without the heart of a poet in scientists or astronomers. To develop a poetic heart is perhaps not every man's play. Therefore, in every space mission, where there is a possibility to encounter aliens or extra-terrestrial inhabitants, there should be a poet included.

But it is not easy to fathom what Martians would really love to read, understand or perceive. Even for poets it is not so easy to write a perfect poetic line to entice the inhabitants on Mars. Images, they would like to relate to, must be entirely different than we've lived with.

So, what is your idea for a poem that would love to send to Mars? 
