Writers vs Journalists: Is there any analogy?

Journalists and writers are often confused as one. But they are not. Rather they are poles apart in a few fields. Writers, though share affinity to journalists, have a lot to differ from them. Journalists often report what they observe and try to report matters as they are and were. While writers have the liberty to come out with their opinion, see through their biased eyes events, situations.

Who's suprior?
It's a confusing question and should not be answered, since both of them have respect in their area and are suprior in their own right. Like every writer is not a good writer, every journalist is not a good journalist. It is a mixed breed of good and bad character journalists and writers. It is about the ethics of one's job that are often seen compromised. But writers have little role in that and they are entitled to see things through their eyes as they fell, whereas journalists have a larger role. They have a duty to perform in an unbiased manner. A wrong news can impact millions of lives. A wrong interpretation of a statement might shake the social and economical world.

Many writers are journalists
Often we find a writer in the gown of a journalist or vice-a-versa. The trades are often exchanged. Writer's territory is an open field where everyone can venture and at any point of time. Today a number of engineers, film stars, celebrities, politicians, etc. are the writers of successful novels and self-help books, among others. While a few people have a chance to play a journalist in their later years, though there are exceptions. 
