“He Loves Me Not” a light novel by Vrushali Telang

Today Indians are crazy reading love stories written in the lighter vein which contain humour and wit. Perhaps this is the reason Vrushali Telang wrote “He Loves Me Not” novel. Vagabond author does not expect this story of the literary level. However, it is a story that will please metro readers, commuting to and from work. 'He Loves Me Not' is a story of a woman who finds enlightenment and a man who rues.

As described in the brief shared by the Publisher Ebury Press, Childhood sweethearts, good-looking Jimmy Cooper and plain Jane Mehroo Nasarwanji are now ‘grown up’ twenty-somethings. While Mehroo is loyal and crazy about Jimmy, Jimmy is anything but loyal and crazy about everything else but Mehroo. So while Jimmy charms his way through life naïve Mehroo tries every trick in Pizzazz magazine to seduce her man. Will Mehroo come out of her shell and discover her true self? Will Jimmy look beyond himself? Packed with colourful characters and a racy plot, the forbidden fruit is about two very different people who grow up together, learn about love, and discover who they really are.”

Vrushali Telang has also written 'Can't Die for Size Zero'. She has also worked in the Indian English Television industry. But after a decade long career in television and screenwriting, these days she leads the scintillating life of a Mahim housewife. She lives in Mumbai with one toddler and one husband and believes that the bedrock of a successful marriage is one good housemaidor two. He Loves Me Not is her second book and no its not a diet book.
