Kindle MatchBook announced

In an emailer received from Amazon, I've found an interesting piece of information for those selling books through They can sell books on discounted rates and hence increase sales.
Kindle MatchBook is an innovative new program which enables you to offer your Kindle book at a discount when readers purchase your print book, so you can sell more books. Here's how it works:
  1. Select your Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) title on your KDP Bookshelf and check the enroll box for Kindle MatchBook on the "Rights & Pricing" page.
  2. Set the discount for your Kindle book, available on, by choosing a promotional list price of $2.99 or less.
  3. "Save" your Kindle MatchBook preferences.
The Kindle MatchBook discount you select will not appear on until the program is fully launched in the coming weeks. You will receive an e-mail notification once your Kindle MatchBook discount is live. Your readers will soon have an easy and affordable way to read your book in both print and digital formats. If you don't already have a print version of your book, you can create one with CreateSpace.
Visit your KDP Bookshelf to enroll your books in Kindle MatchBook today.
