How to safeguard your skin in Summer

The secret of having a healthy skin lies in the lifestyle you have. A lot depends on your way of working and the kinds of stresses you take. Do you follow a routine that leaves no time for your skin care? Do you use anything for your skin care? What type of serums or products do you use to protect your skin? You need to ask these many questions because this will give you an idea about your further steps for making your skin silky.

Generally most of the women follow a skincare routine. The routine helps them use certain kinds of therapies and creams. In short a lot of repetition happens daily. But before you do it again it is important that you know whether the routine you are following is helping your skin or playing the spoilsport. Also, too much repetition keeps the skin undernourished. Humans do not like to eat the same food every day. So your skin needs change and multiple elements. But before that it is important that you know if the routine you have set is good for your skin.

Are you over exfoliating?
Are you buffing away your skin? Are you exfoliating it every day? Exfoliation sounds good but does not help your skin’s upper layer that has to bear the glow. While you try to protect your skin with routine care, the things go wrong. Instead you remove the protective layer of your skin. A host skincare experts have faced this kind of situation. Once the upper layer is removed, your skin is exposed to all the damaging things in the environments such as heat, moisture and toxins. This causes skin aging. So the doctors suggest that you should only exfoliate two to three times a week. Vine Vera Skin Care products help you exfoliate normally.

Do not exfoliate oily skin
Women who have used Vine Vera share that how they did wrong whenever they faced issues such as oily skin. Generally people use different scrubs to exfoliate their oily skin to eliminate different problems such as oily skin. But this results in over-scrubbing. This damages the skin’s inherent repair mechanism which stops the oil production. So in any case, do not exfoliate your skin more than two times a week.

Are you sleeping with your makeup on?

You can be pardoned for one night when you are tired or have had booze. But you cannot make it your habit. Makeup does not help your skin when you sleep. Instead the makeup blocks the pores and oil glands on your face that results in skin acne and other facial problems. It makes the pores to appear large. You may have noticed in women who often use makeup has a lot of marks on their face when the makeup is removed. This problem is caused by makeup at night.  You have to change your habit and remove your makeup before you go to sleep. It also helps you feel better in bed. As a result you will have a better skin. Vine Vera range of skin care products offers serums and solutions that helps you to protect your skin.
