A supposed situational comedy, Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon revolves around Kumar Shiv Ram Kishan (Kapil Sharma), a wealthy man, who is married to three different women - Simran (Simran Kaur Mundi), Juhi (Manjari Phadnis) and Anjali (Sai Lokur). But he isn't a player. He is in fact a righteous guy, who changes his marital status in order to fulfill what he believes are his moral obligations.
Neither his wives nor his girlfriend Deepika (Elli Avram) are aware of each others' existence until fate brings them all together. Kumar's lawyer cum sidekick (Varun Sharma, impressive) also plays the narrator. How he saves Kumar from being caught forms the story. The story is interesting. But it lacks the strength in its plot.
Kapil Sharma is not at his best. The problem lies in the narration of the story. Viewers want something different in the movie which they can not get in the Kapil's show. His punches in the movie are very much similar to his show on Color TV. Maybe because Kapil did not have experience in the movie. Better luck next time!
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